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Teachers from Calgary Separate School Local No. 55 donned special school uniforms while participating in Calgary Catholic School District’s fourth annual Fun Run and Walk. More than $32,000 was raised for local charities.
ATA’s grant program promotes relationships between teachers and communities
Local Community Relations Grants (CRGs) play a key role in profiling the Alberta Teachers’ Association’s support for public education in Alberta and in illustrating how teachers are actively engaged in their communities.
As education systems worldwide undergo radical transformation, support for public education is more important today than ever before. Some transformations are positive and based on research; others are ill informed and lead to dismantling the public education system. In the United States, for example, public education is under siege as the charter and private school movements position themselves as preferable alternatives to the public education system.
Promoting the benefits of public education to the community is an important initiative among Alberta’s teachers. This year, more than 20 locals promoted public education and its ties to the communities in which schools are based.
The projects highlighted here provide insight into the variety of ways Alberta teachers have supported public education and the teaching profession through their active and engaged citizenship.
Aspen View Local organizes a Wellness Walk
Ashley Romaniuk, Aspen View Local No. 7
On May 3, 2013, Aspen View students participated in a Wellness Walk to promote the benefits of activity on physical and mental health. Students and staff followed designated routes in their communities to highlight the importance of regular physical activity. Aspen View teachers were pleased that eight schools and more than 1,500 students participated. Prizes were given and many community agencies supported the event. Students had worthwhile conversations about both mental and physical health and were able to collaborate with one another among schools and across grade levels.
Community fun run raises funds for charities
Wendy Beier-Berar, Calgary Separate School Local No. 55
A community relations grant helped Calgary Separate School Local No. 55 to support the Calgary Catholic School District’s (CCSD) Fourth Annual Fun Run and Walk on September 22, 2012. More than 700 local members, CCSD employees, students and families participated in the 10k and 5k run and walk. Younger participants enjoyed the activities and posed for a photo with Blessed Cardinal Newman Junior and Senior High School’s mascot. Teachers came out in school groups to show their support for the charities involved, livening up the contest with unique school uniforms. More than $32,000 was donated to Inn from the Cold and the Calgary Catholic Education Foundation.